The decline of society based on the greed of wealth

## The Profit Squeeze:

When Good Ideas Turn Greedy

Let’s talk money, honey. But not the sexy kind, splashed across financial news channels, Community newspapers, virtual news or even People magazine.

Today, we’re stucm in the murky pool of profits and purpose.

We all like fairy tales:

A good idea blossoms into a business that solves problems, creates jobs, and maybe even throws a killer product launch party.

But somewhere along the yellow brick road, things can take a turn for the worse.

Enter the profit motive. It’s the fuel that keeps the engine of capitalism chugging along. But when profit becomes the sole passenger, we end with mush and situations when good ideas get squeezed into greedy machines.

Think about it. Healthcare, a system designed to keep us healthy, is now battling insurance companies more interested in spreadsheets than stitches. Education, the supposed equalizer, has morphed into competition where family taxes or student loans act as a lifelong ball and chain.

This profit obsession isn’t just bad for our wallets, it chips away at the very fabric of society. It widens the income gap faster than you can say “late-stage capitalism,”.

Leaving 99% behind in their dust.

But, fear not, fellow changemakers!

We’re not powerless. Here are some ways to fight back against the profit squeeze:

* **Support Social Enterprises:** Businesses that prioritize social good alongside profit can be a force for positive change.

* **Demand Transparency:** Ask questions about where your money goes. Support companies that are open about their practices.

* **Rethink Success:** Let’s redefine what “winning” means. It’s not just about the bottom line, but about the impact a business has on its employees, community, familoea, villages and the environment.

* **Get Political:** Advocate for policies that promote economic fairness and social responsibility.

Remember, the free market is supposed to be a two-way street. We, the consumers, have the power to steer it in the right direction.

Let’s not let good ideas get choked by greed. Let’s turn them into forces for a more equitable and sustainable future.

Now, go forth and be the change agent you wish to be. Remember you live in a world where { with a healthy dose of skepticism towards } “revolutionary” products or services benefit, in the first instance, the customer we seek to serve with a product or service.

A stakeholder economy built on Social Values is best.

Milton Friedman’s shareholder enrichment approach has been the dominant business philosophy for decades. However, there are a number of reasons why we should stop embracing this approach and focus on the Golden Rule, quality, and sustainability instead.

First, Friedman’s approach is based on the idea that the only social responsibility of a business is to increase its profits. This is a narrow view of business that ignores the many other stakeholders that businesses have, such as employees, customers, suppliers, and the environment.

Second, Friedman’s approach has led to a decline in the quality of products and services. When businesses are only focused on making profits, they are less likely to invest in research and development or to make sure that their products are of high quality. This has led to a number of scandals, such as the Volkswagen emissions scandal and the General Motors ignition switch recall.

Third, Friedman’s approach has contributed to environmental problems. When businesses are only focused on making profits, they are less likely to invest in sustainable practices. This has led to an increase in pollution and climate change.

Fourth, Friedman’s approach has led to a decline in worker satisfaction. When businesses are only focused on making profits, they are less likely to invest in their employees or to provide them with good working conditions. This has led to an increase in employee turnover and dissatisfaction.

Fifth, Friedman’s approach has led to a decline in trust in businesses. When businesses are only focused on making profits, they are more likely to engage in unethical or illegal behavior. This has led to a decline in public trust in businesses.

In contrast, the Golden Rule, quality, and sustainability focus on the long-term health of businesses and society. The Golden Rule teaches us to treat others as we would want to be treated. This means that businesses should treat their employees, customers, suppliers, and the environment with respect. Quality means that businesses should produce high-quality products and services that meet the needs of their customers. Sustainability means that businesses should operate in a way that does not harm the environment or future generations.

There are a number of things that businesses can do to focus on the Golden Rule, quality, and sustainability. First, they can adopt ethical codes of conduct. Second, they can invest in research and development to improve the quality of their products and services. Third, they can use sustainable practices to reduce their impact on the environment. Fourth, they can pay their employees a fair wage and provide them with good working conditions. Fifth, they can be transparent about their business practices.

By focusing on the Golden Rule, quality, and sustainability, businesses can create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world.

What is a DAO and how do we govern tomorrow

Distributed autonomous organizations, a DAO.

When we think of governance and how we control society, we immediately must consider the realities of people in the tribes they belong to.

Recently the emergence of bitcoin, the understanding of the power of a distributed ledger, the use of a hash chain, the power of cryptographic processes, and the security of the devices we carry establishes a foundation for a brave new world.

What is governance? It is the method processes and mechanisms a society puts in place to establish order and ensure harmony?

The ancient Turks, Greeks, slave spoke of democracy, the idea that each member of the tribe, the town, the city, or the state could assemble and determine new laws, regulations, and best practices. We then evolved into Republican governments the concept of a group of people representing a larger number of citizens.

Influence and power define what shall evolve. In my lifetime, the idea of being able to plug the handset of your telephone into the back of a terminal and establish a connection to a computer somewhere out there was a novelty. For my father it is Time in Geneva when Aryanism stood out as a challenge, opportunity or threat. Telephones were just emerging and radios were available. TV was still not present. Paper books and libraries surrounded the environment we will call Geneva.

City on the Lake, what is this thing place in his history his is as relevant as your or mine.

One question why anonymity at the profound process of engagement. When you are something called anonymous I am not sure I want to play. If your anonymous is mandatory; I don’t want to play.

The innovative spiritual and the. Nurturing essence of life.. How this evolves involves countless engagements.

Each sublime note to the fabric of the virtual environment we present to the public is.

And, all of us form the fabric of the public.

He answered them, “And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? 4 For God said,* ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘Whoever speaks evil of father or mother must surely die.’ 5 But you say that whoever tells father or mother, ‘Whatever support you might have had from me is given to God,’* then that person need not honor the father.* 6 So, for the sake of your tradition, you make void the word* of God. 7 You hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied rightly about you when he said:

8 ‘This people honors me with their lips,

but their hearts are far from me;

9 in vain do they worship me,

teaching human precepts as doctrines

“Listen and understand: 11 it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles.”

What shall we do? Simple honor the one Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; 30 you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ 31

You commit to what you believe in with a robust desire to adhere to the moral imperatives. The one God is the same God written about in so many different ancient lore.

The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” 32


Who is your neighbor?

Anyone you engage in an event. An event is is anything we all seek to record. By the way any unit of one can record as long as all parties are aware. It is our contracts and promises. Those such as payment, voting, identity and influence.

See you next time.

Sunday June 7th 2020

Since early February, we here in the United States have had to live with the coronavirus and its economic implications. Over the last two weeks, we have confronted with the reality of our racist tendencies. Over the last 20+ years, this country has fractured into the left the Democrats and the right the Republicans; groups like the tea party have driven these tribal tendencies who wish to engender their thoughts on everyone.

The sense of discomfort that lives within my soul creates tensions and a sense of despair. If only we could see the light.  If only we could believe the truth.  If only we could come together as one people each of us would be much happier and able to live a more productive and satisfying life

What can I do? What can you do to change the way we think to change the way we act to change the way we embrace each other? Some would remind us of the works of great religious leaders such as Jesus Christ, Lao-Tzu, Confucius Siddhartha Gautama. Men and I am sure women who have spoken of peace and tranquility.  They talked about friendship and the bonds of togetherness? It is these bonds of friendship we have to find again.  It is the ability to accept and embrace each other we need to remember. We need to stop arguing with each other. We need to start embracing each other. We need to remember that debate is a good thing, while arguments are not.

When I was a young man, I believed it would take three generations for us to address are the racial tensions in this country. I think my problem then was from which age do we begin; it was not the generation that I came from the baby boomers. Maybe not even Gen X. It needs to have a fresh start. It needs to be built on the beliefs of togetherness. Yesterday evening we watched a documentary about Thurgood Marshall. I had no idea how complexed the arguments and the legal battles have been to reach where we are today. The Jim Crow laws so divisive created the division in the South. Separate but equal established a baseline to segregate those of color from those who believed they had the power.

I so much want to walk forward into a world where peace is the norm where cooperation is how we work together.  But, the tension, the tribal tendency, seems to be deeply ingrained in our human psyche. It is the human psyche we need to address. We need to transform our thinking from that of fight and right to that of compassion, cooperation, and solidarity.

What more can I say? I can only pray that ‘we the people’ will find the way forward. That ‘we the people,’ will work together to find a more peaceful union. That we, the people, will finally achieve what the founders envisioned. What some would say God offered us in the Garden of Eden before we fit into the fruit of knowledge. We should harness understanding for good.

Where are we


How many passwords are you trying to manage!  Does your LinkedIn contact list connecting you to more than  4,000 individuals?  Does Facebook, Instagram, and other social media websites inundating you with news and stories about your friends, colleagues and interesting people?

How many cookies have your computers accumulated?  How many databases have more information about you than they need?  If we search the dark web, how valuable is your data?

Cando seeks to help you manage your data, identity, assets, and relationships.

Philip lives on Sea Island with his 93-year-old father, the Doctor.  They pursue travel and Philip keeps his head into what is happening in financial services, blockchain, authentication, digital identity, and, whatever else people seeking to understand the transformation; particularly those in the identity and payments space.

What is happening means we can unlock our hotel rooms, cars, and homes from our phones. Our security system iwill be another app we have to find on our phone.

Instead, we need an intuitive assistant seeking to simplify our lives by taking on repetitive tasks like driving, working inside a data table or simply opening up the house for the season.

Normalizing data and performing the analysis capable of earning value is the name of the game.  Management is about stimulating a team to work in the mutual interest of the organization.  Executives define the strategy and articulate the vision in a manner conducive to success.

Cando seeks to help you manage your assets and relationships.  Assets those places and things you use doing your daily life and those interactions you have with people and entities seeking to serve, sell and partner with you.

Then there are friends who we expect to be part of our lives and therefore have privileges and access capabilities.

All of this with a target of selling integration services to the top million and simply assuring each person has an identity thus serving the bottom billion.  ultimately earning $1 per year per user to simply be there when it all breaks and you wish to restore your digital life.

At the core, your digital security will be based on the use of cryptography and sophisticated matching algorithms designed to assure anyone that you are that one individual in the populatations of the universe.

What You possess, What You Are, What You Claim … Your Certificates

NCCOE NIST Multi-Factor Authentication

What you Possess — The Thing

What you Are — You

Your Relationships




— Secrets

My Certificates









Seven Words

World Wide Web Consortium

FIDO Alliance

Global Platform

The Trusted Computing Group

Future interests

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Nature Language Interface
  • Predictive Analytics

Ten steps to making a project successful

Wednesday September 5th, 2018 I had the opportunity to speak to a Information Technology class about my ten successes and learning as a project and program manager.  Below is the presentation I used with this I hope interested room full of student of Kennesaw State University.

Project Management Kennesaw 180905