Presentations Posted 1996-2013

In Europe working from Belgium between 1996 and 2001

  • An Alternative To The Smart Card PA&A working with Unicate BV to promote an alternate and very novel approach to identity and authentication
    An Alternate to Smart Cards
  • In Depth Review Of Payment Systems In two parts Part Two PA&A produced a two day educational session of key members of the British Telecom Financial Services  sales and marketing team
  • Payments and Telecommunication can they work together or are they competitors.  PA&A helped five telecommunications operators in Europe tried to find out
  • The Enabler of eCommerce Payments As a result of my  as the Interim Director of Financial Services consulting for Oracle EMEA circa 1999 this presentation was assemble to help financial institutions appreciate the value and risks associated with this merging marketplace call the internet or the opportunity we branded eCommerce

And then there is EMV

  • What is a Smart Card  shared with a forum of Canadian Credit Union Executives as the Canadian Market began the journey to a more secure payment card sometimes known as the “Token”
  • Cards Designed by You Long before the iPhone the idea of merging technology with leather into an electronic wallet was a speaking theme