Geithner, Member and Overseer of Finance Club
I am reading William D. Cohan’s book “House of Cards” and then I read this extremely long article on the Secretary of the Treasury and his culpability!!!! 🙁
As discussed in an earlier post our President says and I quote
“We cannot go back to an economy that is built on a pile of sand — on inflated home prices and maxed-out credit cards, on over leveraged banks and outdated regulations that allowed the recklessness of a few to threaten the prosperity of us all,”
One of the key-members of the executive branch of our Government was sitting in the fortress down on Wall Street, deep into discussions with everyone that mattered and is responsible for the abyss, crisis, depression that has taken the world into uncharted waters.
How can our President, that does not want to “go back to an economy built on a pile of sand, hire, support and continue to seek advice from Mr Geithner. this man was there there, saw the crisis brewing and helped to make it worse. Now we expect the leopard to change his spots and fix it. He had his chance when he was president of the NYC Federal Reserve. If the book I’m reading and this article are accurate he has had his chance and failed.
Please Mr. Obama find someone who is risk adverse, intelligent and not part of the club.