Geithner, as Member and Overseer, Forged Ties to Finance Club
Did Timothy Geithner help or assist in bringing Wall Street and the world at large to the brink of disaster? A brilliant man yet was the force of the Wall Street lobby able to easily sway the path of the New York Federal Reserve to allow risk that lead to the collapse.
Morals and a solid foundation of right, wrong and mutual satisfaction must return to the market if it is to be the leader of the world. Has the financial market been seduced by the dark side and falls fowl of the seven deadly sins (Greed, Pride, Sloth, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath and Envy)? They in the end should be the machine that assures liquidity and assures the foundation of our economies ability to grow and prosper. Losing their way and focusing on their personal wants and not the needs of everyone is a disaster worth of the fallen one.
I am happy to see Wall Street and the City of London prosper as long as they remember Jesus’ two commandments and embrace them as part of the principles and goals that drive their actions.